
Overview of software packages

Note: Some of the softwares and tutorials are posted and updated at zenodo. To access these, go to Then search for "quases" and "queels" and "tougaard".

for quantitative XPS or AES analysis of three dimensional surface nano-structures from analysis of the XPS-peak shape

for quantitative angle resolved analysis by XPS or AES from analysis of the variation in peak intensity with angle of emission

for quantitative determination of the effective inelastic electron scattering cross section of materials and nano-films by analysis of REELS

software to determine the optical and dielectric properties of nano-thin films from REELS. Calculates also the surface effects in the IMFP

for calculation of inelastic electron mean free paths by the TPP2M- formula

software to calculate the energy loss structure caused by the effect of the core-hole, the passage through the surface and the transport effects in XPS (i.e. it calculates the intrinsic and extrinsic effects). The software is useful to isolate those effects in XPS spectra which are caused by the electron configurartion

QUASES-Simple-backgrounds (free)
for peak intensity determination using different backgrounds


All softwares run under Windows (XP, Vista, Win7, Win10 etc).

QUASES is short for QUantitative Analysis of Surfaces by Electron Spectroscopy

QUEELS is short for QUantitative analysis of Electron Energy Loss Spectra